Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thing #23

The end...

My favorite "things" were Delicious and wikis. I was never in to Delicious until the discovery exercise and I now have over 150 things bookmarked on that site. This allows me to easily save and organize links I want to revisit later and keep all my bookmarks together from computer to computer. The wiki was also nice as I've set a few up here for library staff to collaborate on since they are great places to interact with ideas. I also really like reading the different theories on web and library 2.0 because I'm the type who loves discourse and engaging with ideas. That's the historian and philosophy undergraduate minor in me talking.

I also appreciated having the weekly deadlines to keep me on track. I find that much more effective than just telling people to complete 23 things by a particular date.

The take-away that surprised me the most were the varied opinions on a lot of the things. Browsing other people's blog posts really gave me insight into lots of libraries around the state. I'm an urbanite and will admit that I generally do not give much thought to the rural librarians out there (simply because I have no regular interaction with them) but this program I think helped raise awareness about their interests, goals, needs and abilities.

The only way I would improve would be to find a way to have more interaction among the participants. Maybe doing the wiki exercise earlier on would allow for more collaboration and discussion.

If given the chance again I would do something like this again. I knew a lot about the "things" prior to starting this but definitely got something out of it through being able to experiment with these things for library purposes.

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